Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Hi LO Guessing Game
2 objects: Button 1 and Button 2
2. What is the name of the variable referred to?
Integer/Number that has to be guessed
3. What are the three text options that appear in textbox1?
'Higher', 'lower' and 'correct'
4. What do you think this code does?
This code is a guessing game where the user enters a number and the game tells them to go higher, lower, or if they're correct. The 'secretnum' is always a random number.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Augmented Reality
Augmented reality (AR) is a live view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data.
2. Provide some examples of how augmented reality might be used.
• Sports
• Handheld video games - Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita
• Phone apps
• etc
3. Traditionally a user would use text entry to search for information in Maps or a search engine. How does AR offer a different alternative?
People can look up recognisable objects and they can view relevant local data about that intersection of landmark. They can also provide turn-by-turn GPS.
4. How might the following people make use of AR;
A mechanic
They can view the structure of a machine without physically having to physically go through it. Also, augmented reality can also provide instructions live on how to fix the machine.
An interior decorator
They can use it to match the items that complement each other without the trouble of taking all the heavy objects and individuall putting them in a specific location.
A student
In excursions, students can use augmented reality to look up certain objects and they can receive data about that object.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Selection and Repetition
Moving through a set of traffic lights.
1. Start car
2. Drive along the streets
3. Check traffic light
4. If red then stop
5. Else continue
6. Repeat step 2
Deciding whether to take an umbrella to school.
1. Check weather
2. If raining take umbrella
3. Else don't take umbrella
Giving a student an A, B or C on their test.
1. Look at mark
2. If mark > 16 give A
3. Else if mark > 12 and < 16 give B
4. Else if mark > 8 and < 12 give C
Adding the correct amount of cordial to water to make a drink.
1. Pour the right amount of cordial
2. Pour the right amount of water
3. Keep repeating 1 and 2 until bottle is full
Filling a bucket with water.
1. Open tap
2. Keep water running
3. Close tap when bucket is full
Blowing up a balloon.
1. Blow at the ballon
2. Keep blowing until desired balloon size
3. Tie up the balloon
Sunday, July 15, 2012
A flowchart is a diagrammatic representation that illustrates the sequence of operations to be performed to get the solution of a problem.
2. Describe the basic flowchart symbols for;
- Start or end of the program - rectangle with curved edges
- Computational steps or processing function of a program - rectangle
- Input or output operation - parallelogram
- Decision making and branching - diamond
- Flow line - arrow
Only one flow line should enter a decision symbol. Two or three flow lines should leave the decision symbol. Only one flow line should come out of the process symbol.
4. Study the sample flowcharts then create a flowchart for a coin toss where heads means Mary pays for the pizza and Tales means Bill pays.
a. Sequence and selection
b. The two properties above.
2. Define Algorithms for the following processes.
Posting a letter
1. Write letter
2. Put in envelope
3. Seal the envelope
4. Write the address and postcode on the envelope
5. Drop envelope in the postbox.
Making toast
1. Spread butter on bread
2. Put bread in the toaster
3. Wait until toast comes out
Calling a friend on the phone
1. Dial the number of friend
2. Press call button
3. Wait until friend answersf
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Sunday, May 13, 2012
6. In the context of data transmission, what is “error detection”?
5. Define the term URL. Explain the components that make up the url.
URL is the global address of documents and resources on the World Wide Web (WWW). It is a specific character string which is a reference to an Internet source.
An example of URL: http://google.com
The first part of the URL is a protocol identifier, which indicates which protocol to use (eg. HTTP, FTP, etc.).
The second part of the URL is a resource name, which specifies the IP address or the domain name (ie. google.com) where the resource is located.
These two parts (protocol identifier and resource name) are separated by a colon and two forward slashes. ://
4. There are two methods of data transmission – serial and parallel. Explain the difference between them.
Parallel Data Transmission is the process of sending several data signals simultaneously over several parallel channels.
The difference between a parallel and a serial data transmission is that serial transmission sends data one bit/data at a time, while parallel transmission sends multiple bits/data in the same time. Also, serial transmission uses only one communication channel while parallel transmission uses multiple communication channels.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Smartphone Tour Review
Mobile Phones – used to scan the QR code in order to view the information
Computers – used for the accessing and designing of the website, editing of photos, etc.
Digital Camera – used to take photos
Printer – used to print posters for the tour
Router – used to connect to the Internet which allowed for access to the websites
Image software – used to edit images: resize, rotate, add arrows, etc.
QR Code Reader – scans QR codes to present information on the websites
Google Docs – online collaboration tool to plan the tour
Google Sites – used to host and create websites for the tour
Voice recording app – used to record voices for audio for the websites
File size of the photo – compressed file formats (.jpeg) were used. The resolution of the images were limited in order to allow for a faster loading time.
Problem: Finding photos
Solution: Finding the photos needed and copying and pasting them into another folder, as well as renaming the photos with numbers in chronological order.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
2. What are the following protocols used for?
TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol is one of the core protocols of the Internet Protocol Suite.
IP has two primary responsibilities: providing connectionless, best-effort delivery of datagrams through aninternetwork; and providing fragmentation and reassembly of datagrams to support data links with different maximum-transmission unit (MTU) sizes.
HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. HTTP's use is to exchange or transfer hypertext in distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems (ie. websites). HTTP defines how messages are formatted and transmitted and what actions Web servers and browsers should take in response to various commands. When the URL is entered in the browser, it sends an HTTP command to the web server 'telling' it to retrieve and transmit the information on the web page. This is why 'http://' is found at the beginning of a URL. Essentially, it is a method by which computers communicate webpages to one another. It is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web.
SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. SMTP is an Internet standard for email transmissions (sending) across IP networks. It is used by most e-mail systems that send mail over the Internet to send messages from one server to another. Essentially, it is a protocol used for sending e-mail messages between servers.
POP stands for Post Office Protocol. POP is an Internet standard protocol used by local e-mail clients to retrieve e-mail from a server (ie. SMTP) over a TCP/IP connection. Essentially, POP is a protocol used to retrieve e-mail from a mail server. It is used by most e-mail applications/clients, along with IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol).
FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. FTP is a standard network protocol used to transfer friles from one host to another over a TCP-based network (ie. the Internet). Essentially, FTP is the protocol used for exchanging files over the Internet. It works the same way as:
HTTP - for transferring web pages from a server to a user's browser
SMTP - for transferring e-mails across the Internet.
Essentially, FTP is used to download a file from a server using the Internet or to upload a file to a server.
1. Define the term - Protocol
The Internet Protocol (IP) is a network-layer (Layer 3) protocol that contains addressing information and some control information that enables packets to be routed.IP has two primary
responsibilities: providing connectionless, best-effort delivery of datagrams through an
internetwork; and providing fragmentation and reassembly of datagrams to support data links with different maximum-transmission unit (MTU) sizes.
Friday, March 30, 2012
part a question 4
• Copyright
In relation to online music stores, copyright is a form of legal protection for music and images (eg. album covers). The copyright laws provides the artist with legal rights to their original works. There are several copyright issues involved with online music stores. It is illegal for such databases to distribute music without the permission of the owner of the copyrighted sound recordings. Online music stores need a license from the record labels (of the songs) to legally distribute music and make it available for customers to download the songs. Also, there are issues involved with the album covers that are included in the purchase of a song/album. Ultimately, an online music store has to make it their responsibility to respect the rights of the copyright holders. They can do this by properly asking for permission to distribute their images and music and/or get approval from the record labels.
• Fair Pricing
Online music stores need to consider what they price their songs. It is one of their ethical responsibilities to ensure that the price that they are charging for the songs are fair. Online music stores should not take advantage of the fact that most people are purchasing their music online. They should make their prices reasonable and fair in order to avoid legal issues that may stem from it. This is important because if the songs were overpriced, customers may be discouraged from legally purchasing their music online. Instead, they may resort to illegal methods of obtaining music like stealing music from music sharing programs, etc. Also, this is disadvantageous for the copyright holders who gave permission for the distribution of their work. It is detrimental because people would not buy their music. It may also tarnish their reputations because people may think that the artists are overpricing their songs and are taking advantage of their listeners. The issue of fair pricing needs to be considered when implementing this database because it may potentially prevent future legal issues involving online distribution of music.
part a question 5
Some features that I would include in my database include: (this is based off of iTunes)
• Genius (similar music) – In my opinion, this is the best feature of an online music store. This is because the customer is suggested various songs or albums that are similar to the music that they have now. This gives the customer an opportunity to discover and listen to new music/artists that are very similar to the music that they enjoy listening to now.
• Top Charts – I particularly enjoy this feature for online music stores because I can see the top songs and albums that people are purchasing. This shows the music that is popular right now and what people are listening to. For some customers who like to be current with their music, this feature is very advantageous.
• Accounts – I think this feature of online music stores is very important for several reasons. For one, there is increased security. This is because the customer has to type in their username and password in order to purchase music. This reduces the chance of someone purchasing songs without the customer being aware that their money is being used. I like the idea of interaction between user accounts – how customers can gift other users with songs, etc. Also, the ability to store money in accounts from gift cards is a very nifty feature.
part a question 2
Field | Description | Data Type | Example |
Album Cover | This is an image which shows the customer how the cover of the album of the song they are looking at looks like. It is in .bmp file format. | OLE Object | |
Song Title | This is the title of the song which the customer is viewing. | Text | Moments |
Artist | This is the name of the artist who sang the song that the customer is viewing. | Text | Linkin Park |
Album Title | This is the title of the album which the customer is viewing. | Text | The Black Parade |
Genre | This is the type of music (genre) that the customer is viewing. | Text | Pop Rock |
Price | This is the cost of the song which the customer is viewing. It is shown in numbers. | Currency | $8.99 |
Song Preview | This is a music file which, when clicked on, plays a 30 second preview of the song the customer is viewing. It is in .wav format. | OLE Object | Screaming Bloody Murder.wav preview |
part a question 1
• Ease and convenience – It is easier to find the songs that the customer wants compared to pre-electronic methods because the customer can just type their criteria into a search bar as opposed to manually searching for it. Also, it is convenient especially for people who live in remote places. In these places, music stores may not be available to them but if it is online, they can purchase songs from the convenience of their homes.
• Checking for availability – It is much quicker to check for the availability of the song with a digital system. For example, if the customer was to physically search for a song or album in a store, they may find that the song is not available and therefore they have wasted their time. With a digital system, the customer can just type the song/album and quickly see whether it is available or not.
• Better organisation - Having a digital music store is much more convenient in the organisation of music. This is because, with just a few clicks of a button, the data (songs) can be easily sorted according to however the customer wants (eg. alphabetical according to song title, artist, album, etc.). In contrast, the pre-electronic methods have less methods of sorting and if the customer wants to find a certain song/album, they may need to know all of the information about it (which they may not know).
• Costs less – The music available in digital systems usually costs cheaper than if buying from a non-digital store. This is because it costs less money for the music distributors to produce the album covers, CDs and cases. Most of the time, if the customer only wants to buy one song, they may have to purchase the whole album that the song is in. This is true especially if the song is not a single and can only be obtained (physically) if bought from the whole album. This is disadvantageous because the customer may not want the whole album and just want a whole song. With a digital system, the user will be able to buy only one song if they wish and therefore it will cost them less money.
• Variety – There is a larger variety of songs in digital music systems. If a song is particularly not well-known then it may be more difficult to obtain it in a normal music store. However, in digital systems, the likelihood that the song is available to purchase is higher. This is because, again, it costs less to distribute the music and therefore the song will be likely to be available for purchase.
• Ability to preview songs – If the customer has no idea of what a song sounds like, they may need to hear a preview to help them decide if they want to buy the song or not. With normal music stores, the customer won’t have the option of previewing the song and therefore won’t be certain if they will like it. With digital systems, the customer can easily click a button and hear a preview of whatever song they like and can easily decide whether they like it or not.
• Exposure – Less popular artists have the opportunity to share their music with the public because virtually every type of music is available on digital music systems. Since it is easier for customers to find any types of music, these artists will greatly benefit because they can showcase their music. As a result of this, they can gain more exposure and extend their popularity.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
creating a basic database
Above is an annotation of a database.
For the task, we were required to create a contact database. Types of fields included: Surname, First Name, Mobile, Home, DOB, Street, Suburb and Postcode.
Different data types used were:
Text - Surname, First Name, Street, Suburb
Number - Mobile, Home, Postcode
Date/time - DOB
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
data type
Common types of data include:
• integers
• floating point numbers
• characters
• strings
• arrays
Sunday, February 5, 2012
data dictionary
A database management system is a collection of programs/applications which enable you to select, organise and enter/edit data in a database.
Examples of database applications include:
• computerised library systems
• automated teller machinse
• flight reservation systems
Three methods for posing queries include:
• choosing parameters (characteristics) from a menu (list of options/commands)
• query by example (QBE) - specifying fields that define the query
• query language - must be written in a special query language
Files store different types of information depending on the file type. Types of files include:
• data files
• text files
• program files
• directory files
• etc
Records are sometimes referred to as tuples.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Do you see any dangers or disadvantages in this online version of the yellow pages?
What can you see as some of the advantages of using this electronic database compared to the conventional paper based version of the yellow pages?
Is the yellow/white pages a database?
Yellow Pages #4
Yellow Pages #3
Yellow Pages #2
Yellow Pages #1
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
What may be a limitation of WolframAlpha?
• it only provides you with one result (answer) for your search (question)
How is WolframAlpha different?
examples of databases;
• phone books
• newspaper
• contacts (on the phone)
• library
Monday, January 30, 2012
What is a database?
In order to access a database, a Database Management System (DBMS) is required. This enables you to select, organise and edit/enter data in the database.